TAY MONEY Interview- want to be Olympic athlete turned rapper, World Star HipHop, farm life,religion
“I wanted to play on the USA olympic team for softball because they didn’t have professional softball”
Tay Money (born April 6, 1993) is a rapper based out of Dallas, Texas. She is best known for her song “Trappers Delight” which received over 1.1 million views in less than a month. Tay Money is originally from Athens, Texas, a small town of around 12,000 people near Tyler, Texas. In 2015, she moved to Dallas, Texas.
When Tay Money first moved to Dallas, Texas she began working at a beauty salon. Growing up, she always enjoyed listening to rap music and freestyling with friends. However she only began rapping seriously after visiting a recording studio with friends to take pictures. Tay Money got in the recording booth and really enjoyed the experience so she decided to start to rapping professionally.
On February 1, 2018 Tay Money released he third song and music video “MONEYWAY” through Elevator Magazine. “MONEYWAY” is a remix of Yung Joc’s hit song “It’s Goin’ Down” from 2006. The music video received 190,000 views in less than six months.
Tay Money released her fourth song and music video “Trapper’s Delight” through WorldStarHipHop on July 24, 2018. The video received over 1.2 million views in less than a month.
Tay Money is known for her Southern accent and style having grown up in rural Athens, Texas. Her songs are typically short ranging from two to three minutes. Tay Money’s songs often discuss her financial success, clothing, sex appeal, and her ability to do what she wants.